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Service Host SuperFetch Massive Disk Usage How To Fix 6 years ago

Here's how to use SuperFetch SuperFetch Bulk Media and resolve it if you find that your computer has encountered a problem that it could not handle and that disk usage is important. Below, I will show you how to correct and stop Superfetch to correct high disk usage.

In this article, you’ll know about what SuperFetch is, how it works, why it might be problematic, and how to disable it if it’s causing issues. so, read till the full article.

How service host SuperFetch Speeds Up Your PC

In Task Manager, there's a task called ServiceHost Superfetch that takes up a lot of resources and caused the disk to run at 100%. I've done various steps than identified. The official description of SuperFetch service is that it maintains and improves system performance over time. However, this is vague and does not explain the whole story.

SuperFetch is a feature already introduced in Windows Vista. It stays quietly in the background, constantly scanning RAM usage patterns and learning the types of applications you run most often. Over time, these applications are marked as "frequently used" by SuperFetch and loaded in advance in RAM.

Image Text The idea is that if you want to run the application, it will start much faster because it is already preinstalled in memory. The official description of the SuperFetch service indicates that it maintains system performance over time and does not fully explain the story.The idea is that if you want to run the application, it will start much faster because it is already preinstalled in memory. The official description of the SuperFetch service indicates that it maintains system performance over time and does not fully explain the story.

SuperFetch is a feature already introduced in Windows Vista. It stays quietly in the background, constantly scanning RAM usage patterns and learning the types of applications you run most often. Over time, these applications are marked as "frequently used" by SuperFetch and loaded in advance in RAM.

The idea is that if you want to run the application, it will start much faster because it is already loaded into memory.

By default, SuperFetch uses all the remaining RAM space with pre-installed applications. But do not worry because it's about unused memory. As soon as your system needs more RAM (for example, to load an application that has not been previously loaded), the required space will be removed. Keep in mind that SuperFetch is not the same as Prefetch. This is the preloaded memory manager that was already introduced in Windows XP. In fact, SuperFetch is the successor of Prefetch. The difference is that Prefetch has not analyzed the usage patterns over time and has adjusted the preload parameters accordingly. By default, SuperFetch uses all the remaining RAM space with pre-installed applications. But do not worry because it's about unused memory. As soon as your system needs more RAM (for example, to load an application that has not been previously loaded), the required space will be removed. What is service host superfetch NOW, You known about superfetch.


Step 1: Open the windows Registry Editor. NowOpen the Start Menu, search for regedit, then select it from the results. Alternatively, open the Run command prompt by pressing Windows key + R, then type regedit and click OK.

Step 2: Find the windows SuperFetch key. Using the left sidebar, navigate to the following: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / Session Manager / MemoryManagement / PrefetchParameters:

Step 3: Disable the SuperFetch. In the right panel, you should see a key called Enable Superfetch. Right-click on it and select Modify app to bring up the windowskey editor. To disable SuperFetch, change Value Data to 0 and click OK.